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Here you can read about Chris Barfoot's policies and political vision for the constituency and greater United Kingdom. 

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Chris will always vote and campaign for new low impact, environmentally friendly housing to be built in the constituency- where the infrastructure allows. New villages and towns will be sited. High property rents and house prices in the area are a disgrace and need to come down. 


Chris will work for improved public transport; he wants to see better bus services in the constituency, especially for disabled people. Not everyone has, or wants a car, and people need to get around the area more easily and freely, this is especially relevant to the rural parishes.


We need a better maintained road network in the area, and Chris Barfoot will always be calling for safer and better roads for Winchester. The current state of the road network is shocking. Chris has already submitted a proposed solution to Hampshire County Council.


The NHS is the foundation of this country. We need more GP appointments, and more hospital appointments. The scandal of long waiting lists cannot be allowed to continue.


The current lack of available NHS dentistry, is a dereliction of governmental duty. We are seeing a return to a society given to serious tooth decay! Chris will vote and work towards making high quality NHS dental appointments available for all those that seek them. Some private practices have been permitted to charge ridiculous rates for far too long.


Chris will always vote, and work for whatever is in the Winchester constituency's best interests. He will be actively seeking to make business deals, that improve the lives of everyone.



Chris wants to see more Bobbies on the beat. If you report a crime, it should be investigated. He doesn’t want a police state… merely a safe and happy place where people may feel confident on our streets, free from molestation.


There are not enough job opportunities in the area, and Chris will campaign to bring more work here.  



The cost of food is still rising. We no longer have the arrangements through freedom of movement in Europe, so we need 

to produce new treaties with our neighbouring countries to ensure choice and quality at an affordable price.



Chris has been chatting with breweries about reducing the cost of a pint while simultaneously reducing the alcohol content. Going to a pub to blow the dust off, should be a basic choice not a bingeing event or publicly drunken costly police matter. Alcoholism is a very real problem and Chris wants to help people get back to living happy lives not be threatened by this disease. It’s a two-way street, everyone is a victim, the abused and the abuser… ‘Alcohol Related Brain Damage' (ARBD) is a very real problem. We can work to reduce it, and better lives.


Are you happy with Brexit? Is it working out for you?

I know there’s a lot of apathy out there right now… and those of you that wish to vote for party… already have or shall on the 4th of July. So many of you won’t bother… But now is the time to actually get out there and make your mark.

If I get elected I will push for a 2026 referendum… and an effort to find new routes back into Europe. Brexit hasn’t worked… It’s not going to work. You can shout argue and say what you like… but things are getting tough and they’re gonna get even worse.

The fun and games and freakshow are over. We need to get back to the serious business of politicking… We need to reduce our foreign policy global aid and concentrate on the UK for a while. 25% of our people are destitute- the country is dying… We need to repair and then get back out there.

You need to put people into play that are actually going to do something for you. Vote for me and I will lobby Parliament for the things that we need. I will shake the hands of all the other parliamentarians and I will gauge favour… I’m the only person out there suggesting right now that we need to find our dignity and strength and be ready, prepared to be invited back into the fold.

United we stand… divided, we fall.

Sunak’s government were pretty good at sticking Band-Aids on all the problems but the Band-Aids don’t stick around for long, you need to dress the wound and care for it, so that it will heal. So much of your money has been wasted…

Most of you have experienced increases in council tax while simultaneously experiencing the threat of reduced services? This kind of behaviour cannot go on. A shortfall from government should not mean that you as residents and taxpayers and constituents… should suffer. You do your bit… you pay your taxes. Give me the power to make the changes that you need- to protect you and your families. We come from the same place… We are the same people…

Be bothered to go and vote… Vote for me… And I will work tirelessly for you.



Thank you for taking the time to find out more about Chris Barfoot's election campaign. If you would like to help build a better Winchester constituency, please consider donating to help the campaign, via the donate link, at the top of the page. 

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